Gronamic Allround 10-4-5+2%Mg0

Gronamic All Round delivers sustained nutrition to the turf plant throughout the growing season. The supply of key macronutrients allows for healthy plant, sustained turf colour and resilience from wear.

SKU OSF-Gronamic Allround 10-4-5=2%Mg0 Categories ,


Gronamic All Round delivers sustained nutrition to the turf plant throughout the growing season. The supply of key macronutrients allows for healthy plant, sustained turf colour and resilience from wear. The balance of mineral and organic components provides the benefits of both approaches of turf nutrition. Supplies carbon and a balanced C:N ratio to the soil/rootzone.


Supports plant growth through the growing season

Combination of ammonium, urea and organic nitrogen sources Sustained nutrient release

Organic component supplies carbon to the soil

  • Pack size: 25kg
  • Application Rate 30/40 g/m2

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