Barenbrug Wetland and Water Edge

Suitable for sowing in areas bordering lakes, ponds and watercourses. Typically the soil in these areas will be moist year- round.

  • Contains 24 wildflower species
  • Feature species: Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Gypsywort

SKU GS-Barenbrug Wetland and Water Edge Category


Suitable for sowing in areas bordering lakes, ponds and watercourses. Typically the soil in these areas will be moist year- round.

  • Contains 24 wildflower species
  • Feature species: Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Gypsywort

Grass Accompaniment

When choosing 80:20 Grass:Wildflowers, the mixture contains a rich blend of grasses, formulated to compliment the wildflower species. The grass blend contains slow growing species which will not compete against the slower growing wildflowers. Some of the grasses included in the mixtures are quite rare, such as Meadow Foxtail and Sweet Vernal. Soil type specific mixtures also contain grass species that are indicative of that particular habitat, such Wavy Hairgrass in the acid soils mixture and Wood Meadow Grass in the woodland edge mixture.


Sowing time

Spring: March to May

Summer: June to July, avoiding excessively hot and dry conditions

Late summer/autumn: August to October



  • Contains 24 wildflower species
  • Feature species: Yellow Flag Iris, Purple Loosestrife, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Gypsywort
  • Also included: Sneezewort, Angelica, Hemp Agrimony, Meadowsweet, Water Avens, Meadow Buttercup, Ragged Robin, Common Knapweed, Oxeye Daisy, Selfheal, Square Stemmed St. John’s Wort, Fleabane, Yellow Rattle, Great Burnet, Betony, Tufted Vetch, Red Campion, Hard Rush, Soft Rush, Pendulous Sedge
  • Pack Size: 20kg

Sowing Rates

  • 100% Flower Seed Mixture = 2g/m2 (1kg will sow 500m2)
  • Grass and Flower Seed Mixtures = 5g/m2 (1kg will sow 200m2)

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