Introducing the Aquaritin Range
Available exclusively in the UK through Avoncrop Amenity Products is a unique family of premium products, designed specifically for the sports turf industry. The Aquaritin Range covers an array of products including Aquaritin 19, Aquaritin Defend and Aquaritin Lakes & Ponds.

Aquaritin Overview
Aquaritin Turf’s line-up of foliar sprays uses breakthrough nanotechnology to deliver essential nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and Silicon in a single formulation. At nanoscale, Aquaritin is over 60 times more concentrated as compared to conventional products. And that is 60x less product handling. When added to the tank it enhances the efficacy of fertilizers, fungicides and PGRs by up to 30%.
Aquaritin is a part of the greens program in 5 PGA tour courses. Increase density and improve green speeds without lowering HOC and above all maintain playability late into the day. All of this means happy repeat customers.

Review the Aquaritin Range
Aquaritin 19
Discover the benefits of Micronised Nutrition.
On one hand, synthetic Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) fertilizers have promoted the ‘green revolution’ considerably raising food production and reducing hunger worldwide.
On the other hand, excessive fertilizer use is known to cause a number of environmental and ecological problems, such as air pollution, soil acidification and degradation, water eutrophication, crop yield reduction and undermining the sustainability of food and energy production.
Nanotechnology now offers a solution that addresses this conflict by dramatically lowering the N and P content and use rates while still delivering the results expected from conventional N and P fertilizers.
• Boost photosynthesis, plant and root health
• Immediate and lasting colour response
• Promote turgidity, cleaner cut and a true roll
• Enhance fertilizer, fungicide and PGR response
• Lower disease pressure
• Improve tolerance against chemical and mechanical stress
• Mitigates lower irrigation water quality
Maintenance Rate: 0.5ltr per Hectare once every week to once every two weeks on greens and once every month on fairways and sportsfields.
Recovery Rate: 1ltr per Hectare two to three times a week until desired results are achieved.
Aquaritin Defend
Discover the benefits of Micronised Silicon.
Aquaritin Defend is proven to deliver exceptional Plant Health through the action of Micronized Silicon and 12 Essential Nutrients absorbed through Nano Silica.
When applied to golf and sportsturf, it promotes cell wall strength, plant rigidity, root development, water efficiency and colour response that does not look manufactured. Under biotic and abiotic stresses it presents barriers to environmental stresses and limits the susceptibility to pathogens and insects.
Aquaritin Defend is an advanced Nano Scale foliar spray which combines a balanced mix of 13 plant nutrients in a single formulation. It contains primary nutrients (P,K); Secondary nutrients (Ca,Mg,S); Micro nutrients (Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu,B,Mo); and, in addition, Silica and Cobalt. The particle size is between 1 and 30 nm and each nutrient is absorbed on to nano-silica molecule preventing them from bonding with each other, with water, or the atmosphere.
Nano particles allow for easier dispersal and integrated suspension in the tank and with micro droplets offer better coverage during application. Aquaritin Defend tank mixes easily with other Fertilisers, Fungicides and PGRs and is absorbed by the plant through the leaves within a few minutes of application. Significant benefits noticed by Turf managers when applying Fungicides.
• Overall plant health with greater rigidity and photosynthesis
• Color response without surge growth
• Improve Fertiliser, Fungicide and PGR response
• Resistance against fungus and pests
• Defence against heat, salinity, radiation, drought, flooding and heavy metal stress
• Increased wear tolerance in high-traffic areas
• No environmental damage through run-off
Maintenance Rate: 0.5ltr per Hectare once every week to once every two weeks on greens and once every month on fairways and sportsfields.
Recovery Rate: 1ltr per Hectare two to three times a week until desired results are achieved.
Aquaritin Lakes & Ponds
Improves water quality
Aquaritin Lakes & Ponds™ is an advanced Nano Scale formulation which combines a balanced mix of 13 nutrients in a single formulation for explosive growth of native diatoms. As only diatoms are made of silicon and oxygen, our silica-based formulation is exclusively consumed by them. Diatoms photosynthesise earlier in the day and consume the N and P in the water thus outcompeting blue-green and green algae.
• Improved water clarity
• Algae prevention
• Elimination of foul odor
• Marine life health and diversity
• Increased dissolved oxygen
• Reduction in fecal coliform
Curative rate: 2 litres per 14 million litres of water per week
Maintenance rate: 1 litre per 14 million litres per week